How to Install NGINX in Ubuntu?
To deploy Nginx on a plain Ubuntu server, you can follow these steps:
- First, update the package list on your server by running the command: sudo apt update
- Next, install Nginx by running the command:
sudo apt install nginx
- Once the installation is complete, start the Nginx service by running the command:
sudo systemctl start nginx
- To make sure Nginx starts automatically on reboot:
sudo systemctl enable nginx
- If you want to check the status of the Nginx service, you can use the command:
sudo systemctl status nginx
- Verify the Nginx installation by visiting your server’s IP address or hostname in a web browser. You should see the Nginx welcome page
- Configuring Nginx is done by editing the files inside the /etc/nginx/ directory.
- Finally to Test the Nginx configuration before reloading the service.
sudo nginx -t
and thensudo service nginx reload
The above steps will install and run Nginx on an Ubuntu server. From there, you can configure it as you like by editing its configuration files.
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